Online Courses 2022–2023

We are real­ly excit­ed to present you the new online cours­es which will start this Sep­tem­ber 2022.

Accom­pa­ny us through a vari­ety of top­ics, dis­ci­plines, and prac­tices revolv­ing around folk­lore, herbal­ism, anthro­pol­o­gy, sym­bol­ism, his­to­ry, and witchcraft.

IMPORTANT! Prices for ALL Patre­on tiers will be reduced on Sep­tem­ber 1st 2022 so make sure you stay vig­i­lant, spots will be limited!


Intro­duc­tion to Ani­mism for Herbal­ism, Sor­cery, and Hedgerid­ing:
From The­o­ry to Practice.


Herbal Tal­is­mans, Root Fetish­es, Alrauner:
His­to­ry, Folk­lore, Har­vest, and Practices.


The Hexa­foil:
His­to­ry, Sym­bol­ism, Folk­lore, and Appli­ca­tion of the Enig­mat­ic Symbol.


Lands & Plants I · Plants at the Cross­roads:
Chthon­ic Herbal­ism in The­o­ry and Practice.


The­ri­omor­phism, Shape-shift­ing, and Plants I:
His­to­ry and Anthro­pol­o­gy of Shape-shift­ing Practices.


The­ri­omor­phism, Shape-shift­ing, and Plants II:
The­ri­omor­phism, Folk­lore, and Herbalism.


Lands & Plants II · Plants and Forests:
Wood­land Lore, Spir­its, and Cus­toms. Con­nect­ing with the Wood­land Realm.


10 Years in the Path of Poi­sons:
Basics and not-so Basics of Ven­efi­ci­um and Metzineria.


Ros­alia · The Dark Mys­ter­ies of the Rose:
Mys­ti­cism, Chthon­ic Aspects of the Ros­alia and Violaria.


For­ag­ing and Har­vest Prac­tices for Ani­mists:
His­to­ry, Folk­lore, Songs, Spells, and Practices.


Mys­ter­ies of the Bee:
His­to­ry, Mythol­o­gy, Folk­lore, Prac­tices, Mag­ic, and Herbalism.


Lands & Plants III · Plants and Domes­tic Sphere:
Field and Path Lore, Spir­its, Cus­toms, and Practices.


How to enroll

In order to enroll on any of our cours­es, you will have to join our Occvl­ta Patre­on METZINER tier in the cor­re­spond­ing month or months (we rec­om­mend you stay for the whole sea­son in order not to miss a thing).


Price, dates, record­ings, and oth­er info

Price: each month on Met­zin­er tier is 30 euros + tax­es.

Length of each course: 2 hours.

Cours­es will take place on the last week­end of every month (unless specified).

Every course will deal with his­to­ry, folk­lore, herbal­ism, and mag­ic from an ani­mist’s perspective.

Mate­ri­als and record­ings will be pro­vid­ed for each course. Record­ings will be avail­able for 30 days.

Fur­ther ques­tions:

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